Monday, January 14, 2008

Tidbits from the Weekend

Emma and I had a special breakfast Saturday morning. She "invited me over" and decorated her table with clementines, a candle and a "rug". Then we had a nice conversation over our breakfast of skillet toast, clementines and a chocolate protein shake.

Sunday after church we decided to take a drive to the mountains. Tim is an avid hunter and loves to shoot guns, so he brought along a few for fun. Emma got to shoot a gun for the first time. She was pretty excited about it! She actually hit the target her first time! Emma is always saying she wants to go hunting with her Daddy when she gets big enough. This just might be the thing to get her hooked!

Tim is in the process of custom-making me a gun. I am actually very excited about it because he is making it himself. Who knew you could do that?! I'm not a hunter but I do enjoy shooting guns with Tim occasionally. It's a way to connect with my manly man doing something he loves! Maybe I will get him to make a card with me someday! Naaaahhhhh!

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