Friday, January 11, 2008


Ok, first let me confess that I love this stamp, which is why it appears on every card I have made in the past two days. Now let me explain why I made it.

I don't know about where you live, but here in CO charter schools are very popular. So much so that one of them has a 4-5 year wait list. Translation = you have to place your baby on the wait list for kindergarten at birth! Who is thinking of school when they have a newborn? Certainly not me! But I came into contact with enough moms who made me feel like if I didn't have her on every "good" wait list that I was somehow failing. I put Emma on one such wait list just to keep our options open. Then I quick thinking about it and tried to enjoy all the days in between birth and 5 years old.

Since Emma will be 5 this May, I recently started thinking about where to send her to school and, of course, praying about it. Then a letter came in the mail last week that significantly increased the pace at which I was entertaining such thoughts. It was an acceptance letter to the charter school we had wait listed. This would have been great news had I not researched other options, but since I had it caused me great stress.

For one thing, I had no idea schools would begin enrollment so soon for the fall. We were 8 days into 2008 when we got this letter. And they want me to make up my mind about something that won't occur until late August?! I mean ~ I am a planner ~ but this took me completely by surprise. So I quickly got on the phone and scheduled meetings/tours with the schools we are interested in.

That brings us to today and this card (no I didn't forget my original point). We visited two schools: the highly coveted charter school and a private Christian school. The difference was so striking to me. At the charter school they gave us a guest pass and a map and told us to enjoy our visit. When I asked if there was someone who could give us a tour and answer some questions, I got a blank stare...then she said maybe I would get lucky and catch a teacher who had time to talk. We did (get lucky). We met two teachers and both were more than willing to answer our questions. This school has a strong academic program and promotes its high moral teaching.

The Christian school was much different. For one thing, we had an appointment (the charter school didn't take appointments), and we were met by a friendly lady named Bobbie who spent an hour with us. She took us around the campus ,introduced us to teachers (who were more than willing to stop and say hi, meet Emma, and tell us about their classroom) and answered my loooooong list of questions without batting an eyelash. We got to sit in on parts of music class, reading, writing and p.e. Emma met lots of teachers, all the office staff and even the school nurse. We left with a packet full of information. And need I see, a really great feeling?!

It's tempting to make an instant decision, but I have committed to praying about this decision until enrollment packets arrive in the mail next month. I made the card for Bobbie to thank her for her time and sweet demeanor in hosting us as guests on their campus.

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