Morning sickness has taken over my life ~ night and day ~ so you probably won't hear much from me for a while. I definitely don't forsee any cardmaking in my near future. It's all I can do to walk from the bed to the couch. Please let me know if you have any ideas. I was sick just like this for 9 months with Emma, and we tried it all! I'm open to suggestions!
Oh, geeze Cristina...I am so sorry. I really hope that you feel better VERY SOON! I know I don't live anywhere near you but if I can help in any way let me know! :O)
Oh poor thing! I'll be in prayer for you night and day!
I am so stinkin' happy for you though! I'm at my MIL's house and she checked your blog last night... we both squealed for you when we saw you were pregnant.
It's a good thing you've got a shopping cart cover now!
Like I said, I'll be inprayer for you and Emma and Daddy!
You know I am praying for you girl! Hang in there!
Congrats, but sorry to hear about your morning, noon and evening sickness!! I was the same way, but only for about the first 16 weeks. I don't recall anything that made me feel better but sleep! And I know that is hard to do when you have a little one! Hang in there : )
Congratulations! I am so excited for you! Guess what, I'm pregnant too! If I blogged people would probably know, as it is, I've been to sick and tired to do much. Wish I could give you some secret that's worked for me, but the only thing that seems to have remotely worked is to keep a full stomach.
Ahhhh you poor girl!!!! I know you don't want to hear this but it will all be worth it when that precious baby comes!!!
Hang in there girl!!!
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