We spent Christmas Eve with Tim's family and headed to his Grandma's that evening to celebrate with the cousins, aunts and uncles.
Nate trying to take over cousin Ewan's big wheel.
Emma got a book with her name on it! Love it!
I made this canvas for my sister-in-law Judi.
She in turn got me a fabulous ring from one of my favorite stores: Sundance!
Tim told the Christmas story that evening.
Nate was most interested in the paper...eating it, that is!
When you get the Wrights together, wrestling always breaks out!
Christmas morning...
Emma got her Daddy some G.I. Joe dolls so he could play Barbies with her. (We thought they were better than Ken dolls.)
Emma got a Barbie RV.
And Nate just wanted to sit in it!
My soon-to-be, sister-in-law Mendi got me a WOK! I am so excited to learn to use it! (That's her on the far right.)
My sister got Nate this lawn mower, and he LOVED it!
There were so many pictures from these two days...320 to be exact...that its hard to narrow it down. But I will definitely be sharing some pics from our trip to Mt. Princeton Hot Springs, which was between Christmas and New Years.

I know it is definitely hard to narrow down the Christmas pics...you did better than me...I put quite a few on the blog! Great pics, enjoyed seeing them!
I LOVE the canvas that you made!! You are so talented!
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