Monday, September 24, 2007

Catching Up

Ok ~ this post is to catch you up on some things that have been going on here. My sister-in-law, Bonnie, had her baby last week ~ her third boy! They planned a home birth and as it happened, her husband Paul delivered the baby because the midwife hadn't made it there yet. I was so proud of them both. Their new little boy is Ewan James. He is such a doll. Yes, that's Tim giving Ewan his first adjustment.

I've been busy making cards again. Here are some samples for my card loving friends. By the way, wait till you see the adorable cards I am making for my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary celebration! I will be posting them next week.

This past Saturday night we took Tim's office staff and their families to the Flying W Ranch ~ a chuck wagon dinner show. It was lots of fun! The "big Kid" in the 4th picture is Ben ~ the associate Dr. that Tim and Jack hired last spring. He's single if you have any eligible friends. :)

They're back!!!! The bucks get very aggressive this time of year and act like they own the place. This is my neighbor's backyard.

I guess that's it ~ so bye for now.

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