Thursday, October 4, 2007

Truth Cards

Here is one more project I wanted to show you. I came up with this idea several years ~ based on the scripture John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."

I like to buy those spiral bound index cards and write Bible verses on them that are meaningful to me. I carry one in my purse or in the car and have them around the house. Then when I am feeling frustrated, afraid, sad, etc. (or just need to push some negative thoughts out of my mind), I can pull out my cards and fill my heart and mind with some truth from God's Word.

So last week when this very topic came up in my Bible study, I knew I wanted to make a truth card for each lady in my small group.

I hope they inspire you to make your own truth cards and carry the Word of God with you. This is the power we are given to be victorious on a daily basis. Let's use what we've been given!

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